This childcare expert, 35, knows the secret to getting your baby to sleep (she can also steer a car out of a skid on an oily road)
Did you play with dollies when you were little?
Always, and I had three younger brothers who became my real dollies. My youngest brother is eight years younger than me and I was besotted – I wouldn’t put him down. My grandmother ran a children’s nursery and I decided when I was 11 that I wanted to be a nanny rather than a teacher, because I loved little ones and nurturing and being at home.
What made you choose the famous Norland Nanny School?
It had prestige, I loved the way it’s a practical course which offers cooking courses every week – and they also do anti-kidnap training, where you learn how to stop a baby’s pram being accosted. I enjoyed doing the deadpan skid driving course, where you learned to drive in different conditions and are taught what to do if your car spins off the road. I later worked in Sweden where it was really snowy and those driving skills came in really handy.
Read the full feature here.