Class Content
Class 1: Labour, Birth & Recovery
Packing your hospital bag
Birth place options
Recognising the beginning of labour
Pain relief options: homeopathic and pharmaceutical
Induction of labour
Caesarean sections: planned and emergencies
The monitoring process

Labour and birth positions
The role of a birth partner
Episiotomy and tears
Active vs physiological 3rd stage of labour
Delayed cord clamping and Vitamin K
The 'Golden Hour'
Recovering from birth: for both mother and baby

Classes 2 & 3: Caring for your Baby
Buying for your baby
​Practical preparations ahead of the birth
Setting up the nursery
How to change a nappy
Dressing a newborn
Holding your baby

Bottle feeding
Combi feeding
Winding your baby
Swaddling & safe sleep practice
Umbilical cord care
Top & tailing
How to bathe a newborn

Coping with crying
Wet and dirty nappies
Baby sick
Coping with tiredness
Establishing a routine
Using the Louenna app

Class 4: Meet Up and Live Q&A Session

Enjoy a morning with Lottie and Louenna, who will be delighted to meet your little one and to answer any questions you may have. Connect with other parents, share experiences, build friendships and create a supportive environment as you navigate parenthood together.